Why Shellac Nail Polish Doesn’t Last: Unveiling the Mystery

Shellac nail polish, known for its glossy finish and durability, is a popular choice among nail enthusiasts. However, some people find that their shellac polish doesn’t last as long as they expect. This can be frustrating, especially considering the time and money invested in a shellac manicure. So, why doesn’t shellac nail polish last? Let’s delve into the mystery and uncover the reasons behind this common issue.

Understanding Shellac Nail Polish

Shellac is a type of nail polish that combines the durability of gel with the ease of traditional polish. It’s cured under a UV lamp, which hardens the polish and makes it last longer than regular nail polish. However, several factors can affect its longevity.

Reason 1: Improper Application

One of the main reasons shellac nail polish doesn’t last is improper application. This can include not preparing the nails properly before application, not applying the polish correctly, or not curing the polish under the UV lamp for the right amount of time.

  • Nail Preparation: Before applying shellac, the nails should be clean, dry, and free of any oils. This allows the polish to adhere properly to the nail.
  • Application: Shellac should be applied in thin, even layers. If the layers are too thick, the polish may not cure properly, leading to peeling or chipping.
  • Curing: Each layer of shellac needs to be cured under a UV lamp for a specific amount of time. If the polish is not cured long enough, it may not harden properly, reducing its durability.

Reason 2: Nail Health

The health of your nails can also affect how long shellac lasts. If your nails are weak, brittle, or damaged, the polish may not adhere properly, leading to premature chipping or peeling. Regularly moisturizing your nails and cuticles and maintaining a balanced diet can help improve your nail health.

Reason 3: Aftercare

How you care for your nails after getting a shellac manicure can also impact its longevity. It’s important to avoid activities that can damage your nails, such as using them as tools or exposing them to harsh chemicals. Wearing gloves when doing household chores and using a cuticle oil daily can help protect your nails and extend the life of your shellac manicure.

In conclusion, while shellac nail polish is designed to be long-lasting, its longevity can be affected by several factors, including improper application, poor nail health, and inadequate aftercare. By addressing these issues, you can help ensure that your shellac manicure lasts as long as possible.